Thank You Mother Nature & Apple

Drinks - I'm representing Beantown with the Sam Adams

I had a really nice and relaxing weekend.  After my 15 mile run  Saturday I showered, ran a few errands, made a nice lunch and headed down Chestnut Street to get a mani-pedi.  One of the best parts of SF is that mani-pedis are $20.  Yes, that’s right, $20 and it includes a neck rub.  I get my nails done on a regular basis now.  I love it! After nails, I met my friend Kate and her out-of-town friends for drinks and then we grabbed dinner.  It was a nice night.

Yay for 70+ Degree weather in March! (Thank you Mother Nature)

Sunday I was up kind of early.  (I can’t sleep in anymore)  I headed to the gym in the morning to do weights.  I skipped cardio to give my legs some recovery time but wanted to get some exercise in.  It was a nice workout and the gym was empty on a Sunday morning which was great.  After the gym I headed home and was trying to decide what to do.  I finally decided that it was 70 degrees out and hot in the sun so I was going to head to Stinson Beach for the afternoon.  I figured if it was warm enough to lay out and tan that I would and if it wasn’t I was prepared with pants and a long sleeve shirt so I could just sit on the beach and read.  (When you grow up going to the beach in Maine  you always bring warm clothes)  It turned out to be a great day!  The drive to and from Stinson Beach is so beautiful.  It’s right along the mountains the views of the ocean are breathtaking.  I was fine in my bathing suit and got some sun.  I spent two hours there reading and relaxing.  I really enjoyed my alone time, sometimes I just need a day to myself.  I laid out on the beach, 45 min from my house in March.  That is like a dream come true to me.  It was a GREAT afternoon – thank you Mother Nature.

Beach in March = Heaven

View on the way to Stinson Beach

My Monday

This morning started off a little “shaky”.  Haha.  By shaky I mean, I woke up to an Earthquake at 5:33am.  It was little scary.  It was my first Earthquake in my apartment and alone.  I really don’t mind living alone but this morning I wished I had a roomie.  It was a little unnerving.  Things were clanking (I realized later I think it was medal rack with all my medals) and my bed was shaking.  I just laid in my bed paralyzed in fear…probably not the smartest move.  (I did read if a big earthquake hits while in bed to cover your head with a pillow and try not to get up so I guess that I’ll do okay.)  Turns out we had two Earthquakes right in a row a 3.5 and 4 and then their was an aftershock a half hour later which I didn’t feel.  I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to Earthquakes.

Tonight I skipped yoga.  The worst part is, I left work, rushed there to find out that it was not the normal instructor but the one woman I really don’t like.  I turned around and left – I really don’t enjoy that woman’s class.

To give you some background, I started practicing Bikram Yoga when I arrived in SF last August.  I hated the classes at first.  However, I had bought at 30 day trial so I stuck with it.  After about 2-3 classes I was hooked.  I love the good deep sweat (I’m hopeful I’m sweating out all the bad toxins I put into my body, like wine….) and I love the stretching, it feels like a great compliment to all my running.  However, this particular teacher started teaching a few months ago  and keeps the room REALLY hot.  (She doesn’t sweat which I can’t understand but I think that is why she keeps the room so hot)  I have gone to her class 2-3 times and each time had to leave the room, couldn’t push myself in the poses and have left feeling sick to my stomach and couldn’t eat dinner for hours.  (Many other people leave the room during her class too so I don’t think it’s just me)  I hate doing things half way, I’m a perfectionist, so leaving and not being able to push myself in class really stinks.  I also don’t like getting sick from class, I don’t think that is healthy at all.  With all that being said, once I spotted that instructor (fortunately before I checked in) I was out.  I turned around walked out – again, I’m not really a quitter so I hated doing it but I really hate her class. I did run 5 miles this morning  so I didn’t feel as bad skipping.

Love technology (Thank you Apple!)

Bruno - newest addition to the Family

On a brighter note, I texted my brother and sister-in-law on the way home and asked them to FaceTime.  Hannah (sister-in-law) just got an iPhone so this was our first time FaceTiming.  They just got a new puppy and I really wanted to see him!  We chatted for about a half hour and they introduced me to Bruno the new puppy and I got to say “Hi” to Artie their other dog as well.  I gave them a tour of my apartment and we caught up for a bit.  It was fun!

After they hung up with me I FaceTimed with my sister.  I haven’t really talked to her since vacation expect for a few texts, so that was fun as well!  I really love that I can FaceTime with my family and friends.  I talk my good friend Laura who is now living in Europe quite often.  It’s free and we can see each other.  It’s so great to catch up, see her new apartment and even say “Hi” to her husband Tim.  It really is better than just a phone call.  Seeing your family and friends makes all the difference in the world.  Thank You Apple for making my friends and family thousands of miles away feel like they are hanging out in my living room with me!  Anyone else want to FaceTime?

Hope everyone had a nice Monday – 5 mins until my new favorite show SMASH!  (If you haven’t watched get on Demand and watch the first 4 episodes – it’s AWESOME!)